4 Concerning Examples Of How It’s Not Equal

With liberty and justice for many. Most Americans denote these words, and also the rest in our Constitution, as well as the guarantees, regarding our freedoms and rights, but, an ambition observer, realizes, all Americans are certainly not treated, and/ or, considered, equal! For those folks, who don’t face these limitations, regularly, it can be difficult to relate, towards the constant stress, put together by, this sort of second – rate, treatment, etc! However, for people certain minority groups, it is now apparent, many key aspects of life, which others take – for – granted, can be extremely challenging, etc! With, that under consideration, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 concerning examples, of the treatment, and behavior.

  1. Police/ policing/ systemic racism: Driving, while black, can often be, somewhat – jokingly, known, as being the reason, certain African – Americans, are stopped, by police, for supposed – offenses, and/ or, suspicious activities, while the most of us, aren’t! Objective observers realize, were witnessing a hazardous, concerning level, of systemic racism, which creates, different treatment, with the law, determined by race, and social stratus! Statistics demonstrate, people – of – color, are arrested, more reguarily, given less rights, and receive, anything – but, equal treatment, and justice! In the past couple of years, as an alternative to seeing, improvement, in this subject, it seems like to be more – widespread, and disgusting!
  2. Courts/ Justice: In many cases, those, who are able to afford, the fees, of the highest quality attorneys, end – up, finding a different amount of justice, and treatment, as opposed to runners, that are of limited, financial means! It often appears, according to deals – made, sentences received, prosecutions, and verdicts, we now have anything – but, equal justice, for all those!
  3. Equal employment/ educational opportunities, and pay/ income: Nearly every study indicates, minorities, in – general, are paid less, in most cases, below the knob on opportunity, with the finest occupations! Although, educational opportunities, around the college/ university level, have improved, somewhat, at lower levels, it appears, there’s still a substantial gap, largely, linked to race, ethnicity, and income!
  4. Real estate red – lining: Although, red – lining, is illegitimate, the fact is, we continue, seeing it! In minority – neighborhoods, conditions, issues of safety, use of quality stores, etc, are, far – different, in the standards, received, in non – minority, areas!

Wake up, America, and prevent, believing, it’s acceptable, to selectively, pick – and – choose, which individuals Constitutional guarantees, freedoms, and liberties, to observe/ obey, and which, to spend, less attention, to! We need more prevalent sense, fairness, equality, and genuine, liberty and justice, for – all!

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