4 Components Of Infrastructure

For decades, and generations, politicians, and public officials, have discussed, the requirement to address, raising the infrastructure, but, these discussions, largely, ended – up, being somewhat more – than – empty – rhetoric, and, we’ve got reached, a time, where, the infrastructure conditions, are, progressively, worse, and weaker! Instead, of, any, apparent attempt, to search for a meeting – of – the – minds, with the greater good, we continue, witnessing, partisan politics, at its worst! The reality is, unless/ until, we invest in doing something, about this, rather then making excuses, and proclaiming, each of the reasons, why, we not able to do it, and/ or, afford it, etc, we end up needing, to start out, addressing, various areas, which need to be enhanced, sooner, as an alternative to later, without further procrastination! With, that under consideration, the following paragraphs will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 specific, components/ segments, and why, these are generally so important, and, truly, relevant.

  1. Hard infrastructure: The first, perhaps, greatest component, is, what, I talk about as the hard infrastructure. This includes: roads; tunnels/ bridges; utilities (upgrade the grid); mass transportation; etc. However, if, all perform, is this fact, we shall soon, discover, other aspects, is certain to get far worse, and, procrastination/ avoidance/ denial, rarely, achieves anything, of – consequence! Obviously, this requires a significant amount of monetary commitment, but, it must be done, thoroughly, thoughtfully, plus in – perspective!
  2. Common sense considerations: Unfortunately, what must be, good sense, is, rarely, common! Rather, our politicians, continue delaying significant issues, for apparent, political/ personal agenda, and self – interest, reasons! We need to demand, we proceed, and consider, seriously, the implications, dangers, ramifications, needs, and priorities, both, at – present, along with, to the future!
  3. Environment and Climate: We cannot afford to deny, or procrastinate/ avoid, doing something, to turn back the trend, towards Climate Change! We are witnessing, more storms, warmer weather, polar melting, increased risks from higher tide levels, etc, yet, some politicians, still, usually proceed, accordingly, plus a responsible manner! Similarly, we have to take care of, and protect our surroundings, especially, in connection with clean air and water! Don’t we owe it, to generations to come, to offer, a planet, which can be safe to reside in?
  4. A fairer system: Equal justice, enforcement of the Constitutional guarantees, rights and freedoms (as an alternative to selective ones), a fairer, judicial system, etc, are common important considerations, in, ensuring, this nation, progresses, to the future, inside most responsible manner, and serves the top interests of the Americans, within a fairer way!

These are only, basic components, which need to be addressed, in creating the most beneficial path, forward, and ensuring our infrastructure, is prepared, and equipped, properly, as – needed! Will you demand more, from those we elect, for everyone and represent, we all?

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